
Firewalking Show the Warwick Hotel

Most of the firewalkers known in Fiji are from the island of Beqa. Like for many other things in Fiji, there is a Fijian legend about how a spirit god gave the people of this island the power to walk on fiery hot stones without being burned or feeling pain. What that legend fails to explain is how some others in the world,including Indo-Fijians--whose tradition stems from their homeland in India-- have the ability to do the same.

The Sikh people from India, a small percentage of whom also migrated to Fiji, practice a religion called Sikhism, which includes avoiding all killing, including that of insects, and an annual self-mutilation ceremony. I have seen photos & footage of some bloody ones but also have read about how in some cases, there is no blood flow & seemingly no pain involved, even when doing such things as sticking something into one side of the face until it comes out the other.

When I was in college, I learned about the powers of the superconscious mind, most popularly known as the subconscious mind. Mind over matter is a familiar description of a fascinating subject that goes by many names & is backed up by various fields of study, including quantum physics, parapsychology, hypnosis, telekinesis...which I won't go into here. I will say though, that I was in an organization for a while named Majestic Eagles and 1 member, Jeff Noble, led a demonstration of such powers which several of us took part in on the streets of NYC 1 night. Each of us walked across a path of burning hot coals, just as the firewalkers of Fiji here did. With intense concentration & faith that the mind can achieve whatever it can conceive, I too, felt no pain & suffered no burns as did the others.

I would never endorse anyone just going out trying such a thing after hearing of it. My own education of it began with the last chapter of a book called You Can Succeed by Eric Jensen & another called The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy. By the firewalking point in my development of this power, I had already learned to eliminate pain & my fear of it as quickly as it developed in all sorts of situations ranging from stubbing my toe, to needles, & even a headache. My greatest test prior to this one, was when I sat perfectly still, calm, & pain-free as a friend pierced my nose with a sterilized sewing needle by hand, something which took substantially more time than the piercing gun used at jewelry stores. All such miracles for me came to an abrupt end when I stopped the regular meditating I'd learned from the 1st book & was either jinxed or just wrongly believed in predictions from 4 different people that came true regarding a deadline for mastery...Whenever I try to meditate now, I either fall asleep or my mind just won't stay focused enough for it to work...

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