
My 1st Meke; Traditional Dancing

Simon was a cab driver for the nearby & breathtaking Warwick Hotel until told he needed to upgrade his van in order to continue doing business with them. He plans to do so as soon as possible. In the meantime, he receives donations from guests who he & Judith host for chaffeuring us around to places we want to go.

On my 2nd night, he took me to this show at the nearby Mango Bay Resort, another lovely yet much lower cost, place to stay along the Coral Coast of Fiji. The Coral Coast is where most resorts are on the main island of Viti Levu. Here in the town of Korolevu, Namatakula Village is near both of these resorts which employ many of the villagers, enabling them a higher standard of material living than most Fijians. The show's dancers, singers, & instrumentalists are all from Simon's village.

They performed as guests of the hotel ate dinner or had a drink at the bar. In the end of their dancing, which stems from the traditional warrior dances, each dancer picks a partner from the audience to join in the last dance with the whole group. The last photo shows the Fijian who selected me.

Before the show, I was able to access the web in the space seen here inside a modernized bure (traditional style Fijian home)office. If/when blogger allows us to post videos again, you will see some great footage of it all.

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